IPIC2023 welcomes the submission of abstracts for original contributions to the field of clinical care of primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs).
The selection of abstracts for Poster Presentation will be made by the IPIC2023 Scientific Committee. The three highest scored posters will receive an award comprising a certificate and a grant, as well as the opportunity to present their posters in a dedicated congress session.
Why submit an abstract to IPIC2023?
Taking part in the IPIC2023 Meeting program is a fantastic method to advance your professional goals.
Receive praise for your efforts as well as constructive feedback and fresh ideas. Make a reputation for yourself in the field by communicating your discoveries to the immunodeficiency community.
Abstract categories:
Diagnosis and newborn screening advances
Autoinflammation and autoimmunity
Genetic diagnosis & other basic research
PID environment and quality of life
Malignancy in PIDs
Neurological and other types of comorbidities of PIDs
PID treatment advances (targeted therapies, curative therapies, novel immunoglobulins…)
COVID-19 and other infectious agents
Basic and translational research findings
Other topics