Preliminary Scientific Programme
15.00-19.00 | Registration opened
17.00-17.45 | Opening session including keynote address
Chairs: Dr Nizar Mahlaoui (IPOPI Medical Advisory Panel Chairman) and Ms. Martine Pergent (IPOPI President)
- Opening remarks - Ms Martine Pergent (IPOPI President) and Mr Johan Prevot (IPOPI Executive Director)
- Keynote speech: PIDs as a model of successful international scientific collaboration - Prof Martin van Hagen
17.45-19.00 | Session 1: Newborn Screening for PIDs – now what?
Chairs: Prof Frank Staal and Mr Bruce Lim
- Lecture 1: Newborn Screening as a system: from good practice to common practice - Prof Jim Bonham
- Lecture 2: SCID Newborn Screening- what have we learnt and where do we go from here? - Prof Fabian Hauck
- Lecture 3: PIDs & Newborn Screening in 2030 (from new candidate diseases to the use of Genomics) - Prof Lennart Hammarström
19:15 | Welcome Reception – Venue TBC
20.30 | Company Symposium (not included in CME programme)
07.30-08.30 | Company Symposium (not included in CME programme)
08.00-08.30 | Guided Poster Walk
08.30-10.00 | Session 2: Management of Neurological manifestations in PID
Chairs: Dr Elizabeth Rivers and Prof John Seymour
- Lecture 1: Neurological manifestations: when to think about PID?
- Lecture 2: Managing neurological manifestations in PID - Prof Elie Haddad
- Lecture 3: How to care for PID patients with neurocognitive impairments? (Up and-coming therapeutic approaches, physiotherapy, ergotherapy etc) - Aleksandra Badura
- Lecture 4: Patient Testimony
10.00-10.30 | Coffee Break and Guided Poster Walk
10.30-12.00 | Session 3: Transplantation challenges in PIDs
Chairs: Prof Frank Staal
- Lecture 1: When to transplant adults or not: ‘PIDs in the grey zone’ – lessons from 20 years of experience - Prof Emma Morris
- Lecture 2: New transplantation techniques and technology - Prof Andy Gennery
- Lecture 3: Management of psychological aspects before and after HSCT/GT
- Lecture 4: Patient Testimony
12:00-13:00 | Company Symposium (not included in CME programme)
13.00-14.15 | Lunch and Guided Poster Walk
13:00-14:00 | Company Symposium (not included in CME programme)
14.15-15:45 | Session 4: Analyse This! Complex Case Studies
Chairs: Prof Stephen Jolles and Dr Nizar Mahlaoui
- Lecture 1: The use of JAK/STAT in PIDs - Prof Carsten Speckmann
- Lecture 2: Actinopathies management “when actin is not acting” - Prof Fabio Candotti
- Lecture 3: It’s all in the genes: Monogenic vs polygenic manifestations - Prof Alain Fischer
15.45-16.15 | Coffee Break and Guided Poster Walk
16.15-17.30 | Session 5: Regional Diagnosis and Clinical Challenges Session
Chairs: Dr Pamela Lee and Ms Otilia Stanga
- APSID Lecture - Prof Surjit Singh
- ASID Lecture - Dr Leila Jeddane
- CIS Lecture - Prof Elie Haddad
- ESID Lecture - Prof Fabio Candotti
- LASID Lecture - Dr Gesmar Segundo
- SEAPID Lecture - Dr Narissara Suratannon
17:30-18:30 | Company Symposium (not included in CME programme)
20.00 | Congress Dinner – Venue TBC
8:00-9:00 | Company Symposium (not included in CME programme)
9.00-10.30 | Session 6: Managing Malignancies in PIDs
Chairs: Prof Klaus Warnatz and Ms Jose Drabwell
- Lecture 1: Diagnosing malignancies in PID – Getting it right and learning from what went wrong! - Prof Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles
- Lecture 2: Common features of primary and secondary immunodeficiency - Prof Markus Seidel
- Lecture 3: Checkpoint inhibitors and repurposing cancer drugs – what can we learn from the oncology field?
- Lecture 4: A nurse’s perspective, Emily Carne
10.30-11.00 | Coffee break and Guided Poster Walk
11.00-12.30 | Session 7: PID Care – Do We Really Have the Choice? (Interactive session)
Chairs: Prof Ellie Haddad and Ms Martine Pergent
Panellists: Ethicist Prof James Taylor, Prof Surjit Singh, Prof Alain Fischer, Prof Cornelis Boersma, Mr Matthew Harold, Prof. Hidalgo-Simon
12.30-13.30 | Company Symposium (not included in CME programme)
12.30-13.45 | Lunch and Guided Poster Walk
13.45-14.45 | Company Symposium (not included in CME programme)
14.45-15.15 | Young PID investigators: poster winners’ session
Chairs: Dr T Alba Cano and Ms Martine Pergent
- Poster 1 – TBC
- Poster 2 – TBC
- Poster 3 – TBC
15.15-15.45 | Coffee break and Guided Poster Walk
15.45-17.00 | Session 8: Clinical life odyssey/itinerary of PIDs
Chairs: Prof Anna Sediva and Ms Roberta Anido de Pena
- Lecture 1: Lost in Transition — How to improve transition care from childhood/teenagehood to adulthood - Prof Siobhan Burns
- Lecture 2: Pregnancy and PID! - Dr Elise Mallart
- Lecture 3: Transition adulthood to elderly - Dr Virgil Dalm
- Lecture 4: Emergency wards, ICU and PIDs - Dr Nahla Erwa
17.00-17.45 | Closure talk
- Closure talk: The future perspectives of PIDs and possible challenges ahead - Prof Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles